Infochimps is a searchable collection of datasets that can be shared or sold. You can download directly the free datasets without an account.
What do they know
What do they know is a website that allows citizens in the UK to browse through Freedom of Information requests and make their own to UK public institutions.
P2P University
The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses.
Each month, VODO distributes one film feature through P2P networks, operating as a netlabel open to participation in the decision making process.
Open Knowledge Foundation
The Open Knowledge Foundation is an english non-for-profit organization whose objective is to promote open knowledge through several independent projects.
Making activity in the Basque Parliament more understandable for citizens and exposing lazyness and contradictions of politicians are the objectives of Parlio.
Follow the money
Some journalists, transparency NGOs and analysts have started Follow The Money, to shed some light in the way money is spent and given by european institutions.
Guerrilla Gardening
Guerrilla Gardening is a loose network of local groups that want to regain control of the public space and the green spots in our cities, from the institutions.
Knowmore.org is a site that gathers information on corporations and their products, in order for people to have better and informed choices.