Etiqueta: Spain

  • Parlio

    Making activity in the Basque Parliament more understandable for citizens and exposing lazyness and contradictions of politicians are the objectives of Parlio.

  • Coop57, ethical financial services

    Coop57 is, as its name says, a cooperative providing financial and saving services. Essentially, it functions as a large, horizontal network of solidarity and mutual aid. If a company wants to ask for a loan, it has to be involved in the project first. It has only presence in some parts of Spain, mainly Catalonia,…

  • Madrid threatens squatter enclave of 40 years

    A squatter enclave that’s been existing for over 40 years near Madrid, Spain, is going to be razed and most of the neigbours will be forced to live, as not all will be eligible for rehousing. Under the plan, the worst areas of the community of 40,000 will be bulldozed to make way for a…